Hardware Maintenance:
- Clean your computer regularly. Use cotton cloth and other cleaning kits. You can use paintbrush in removing the dusts from the CPU heat sink and the dusts on the motherboard's slots.Make sure that your computer is turned off while cleaning.
- Be careful not to bump your computer.
- If you transport your computer, put it on a carrying case.
- Keep all liquids away from your computer.
- Avoid dirty and dusty environment.
- Make sure that you computer is highly ventilated.
- Run disc cleanup and defragment tool
- Shutdown your computer properly.
Software Maintenance:
- Install all updates required
- Keep antivirus program updated
- Do not install different versions of software.
- Uninstall programs that are not needed.
- Don't download programs from untrusted internet sites.
- Be aware of suspicious files from mails.
- Install only license software.
- Shutdown your computer properly.
The most important thing you can do as a computer owner is to consistently and reliably back up the data stored on your hard drive. Hardware used to be the most valuable part of a computer but those bits and bytes are now the real investment.
up files and removing them from the hard drive frees space for new files
on the hard drive. It also protects you from losing important information
if the hard drive fails or you accidentally delete files.
You can use CD's, DVD's, Flash drives, Portable harddisk drive, or even and ordinary hardisk drives in creating file back-ups.